Pond Crest Music
Russ's (totally biased of course) Favorite SCI-FI Movies of All Time !!
Some Scary, Some Not !
TITLE Year Released Principle
The Day The Earth Stood Still ........ (1951) ........ Michael Rennie-Klaatu, The Robot
The Mole People ...................... (1956) ........ László Görög(written by),
Hugh Beaumont(from Leave It To Beaver!)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers ....... (1956) ........ Daniel Mainwaring (screenplay)
Jack Finney(Collier's magazine serial)
2001 A Space Odyssey ................. (1968) ........ Stanley Kubrick
King Kong - Original classic ......... (1933) ........ Fay Ray, Robert Armstrong, King Kong,
and Special effects crew
The Seventh Voyage Of Sinbad ......... (1958) ........ Ray Harryhausen
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ......... (1954) ........ Jules Verne, Walt Disney
The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms ........ (1953) ........ Ray Harryhausen, Ray Bradbury
Alien ................................ (1979) ........ Sigourney Weaver, Special Effects & Director
The Thing, From Another World......... (1951) ........ James Arness - Gunsmoke!
The Thing - the remake ............... (1982) ........ John Carpenter
The Creature From The Black lagoon ... (1954) ........ Jack Arnold(director),Harry Essex(screenplay)
Arthur A. Ross(screenplay)
Oh how I miss tv's "Chiller Theater" !!!
The Time Machine ..................... (1960) ........ HG Wells
Journey To The Center Of The Earth ... (1959) ........ Jules Verne
Aliens ............................... (1986) ........ Sigourney Weaver, Special Effects & Director
Preditor ............................. (1990) ........ ARNY S!
Outland .............................. (1986) ........ Sean Connery
Terminator ........................... (2000) ........ ARNY S!
Terminator 11 ........................ (1991) ........ ARNY S!
Terminator 111 ....................... (1989) ........ ARNY S!
Star Trek II ......................... (1987) ........ Ricardo Montalban, the entire Cast
Star Trek IV ......................... (1974) ........ The entire Cast
Star Trek ............................ (2009) ........ The entire Cast
2010 The Year We Return .............. (1984) ........ Arthur C. Clarke(novel) Peter Hyams
Armageden ............................ (1998) ........ Bruce Willis, Liv Tyler
PLANET OF THE APES ................... (1968) ........ CHARLTON HESTON
Star Trek VI ......................... (1983) ........ The entire Cast
Star Trek VIII ....................... (1988) ........ The entire Cast
RoboCop .............................. (1987) ........ Peter Weller, Director, Writers,
The 5th Element ...................... (1997) ........ Bruce Willis
Independence Day ..................... (1997) ........ Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum
AVATAR ............................... (2009) ........ James Cameron
FORBIDDEN PLANET ..................... (1956) ........ LESLIE NEISON, the Robot
Night Of The Living Dead ............. (1968) ........ George A. Romero
THE FIFITH ELEMENT ................... (1997) ........ BRUCE WILLIS, CHRIS TUCKER
The Texas Chainsaw Massacres ......... (1974) ........ Tobe Hooper
Iron Man ............................. (2008) ........ Robert Downey Jr.
CONTACT .............................. (1997) ........ JODI FOSTER
District 9 ........................... (2009) ........ Neill Blomkamp, Simon Hansen
RED PLANET ........................... (2000) ........ ANTHONY HOFFMAN
STARSHIP TROOPERS .................... (1997) ........ PAUL VERHOEVEN
King Cong - 2nd remake ............... (2005) ........ Peter Jackson(Director), Special Effects
Who is this, and why is he smiling?
Godzilla ............................ (1956) ........ Godzilla, Raymond Burr
Back To The Future .................. (1985) ........ Michael J Fox
A Clockwork Orange .................. (1971) ........ Stanley Kubrick
Star Wars- Any Flavor ............. (1977-2005) ...... George Lucas
ET .................................. (1982) ......... STEVEN SPEILBERG
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS .................... (1977) ........ STEVEN SPEILBERG
The Mummy ........................... (1999) ........ Brandan Frazer, Rachel Weis
Space Balls ......................... (1987) ........ Rick Moranis
Young Frankenstein .................. (1974) ........ Mel Brooks
Wall E .............................. (2008) ........ Writers Andrew Stanton(original story)
& Pete Docter(original story)
ALSO, Look Here ::: wikipedia.org
future viewing recommendations:
Metropolis - 1927
Serenity - 2005
Silent Running - 1972
War of the Worlds - 1953
The list is roughly in order of personal appeal.
Just More To Consider -
If I have'nt seen it, it is not listed here. But Look Here - Movies On line
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